Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How is the project going to be done?

Post information that you are assign to :

Shawn - Distribution and the introduction of the tropical monsoon climate.( Textbook Pg 44 - 45)
              *introdution to the tropical monsoon climate can be explain briefly. In diagram or in words             
              *Distribution can be explained in a a diagram from the textbook or other webs.
              *The conditons of a tropical monsoon climate can be explained using a climograph.

Douglas - Diversity of the plant species and density.(Textbook Pg 47)
Zafirah - Leaves and flowers and fruits.(Textbook Pg 48)
              *Use pictures to explain. 

Li Ping - Bark and branches and roots.(Textbook Pg 48)
              *Use pictures to explain.

Elaine - Structure - Canopy,Understorey an undergrowth layer. (Textbook Pg 46)
             *Use pictures and diagrams to explain.

> Post your findings on this blog before December 22th ( extended )
> Credit any source that you have taken from
> Videos can also be used.
> All the information will be compiled into a powerpoint for presentation. - You will not be allow to read from the slides when presenting.
> The topics that you are doing is what you will be presenting.
>Try to write the findings in your own words.
